Well, I know it’s almost Christmas and that Valentine’s Day doesn’t really belong on a blog post in the middle of December, but I have food on my mind, so I thought I’d quickly share one of my favorite “special dinners”–one that I made the first time on Valentine’s Day.

My husband and I celebrated our first Valentine’s Day together by spending the evening at home with each other. While he was out working that day, I planned a special dinner, and this was the recipe I chose to make:  Cajun Chicken Pasta by Tammy Schill. (0n a side note, I love Allrecipes–it’s the best!). We mmmm’ed and mmmm’ed while we ate!

I love making memories around the table!

photo by Allrecipes

This is a simple dish to make; most of the ingredients you probably have on hand; nothing is complicated. However, keep in mind that the recipe is for 2 servings, but you can easily double or triple the recipe using the little calculator they provide.

It is SO YUMMY! But since it has heavy cream, I only make it for special occasions.

Give this one a try; You won’t be disappointed!

See you next week!


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