Difference Maker

 “It’s time to live as though we believe we have something to offer. It’s time to release our authentic selves into the world.”

Emily Freeman

I’m midway through reading Emily Freeman’s book  A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live, and I’m going to do something a bit unprofessional. I’m going to recommend it even though I haven’t finished reading it. Gasp! Truth be told, I actually recommended it after I read the 1st chapter, but this time, I’m going public. It’s that good (so far). So…buy this book and read at least the first four chapters. 😉

As the title suggests, Freeman delves into how we can uncover the dreaming artist that God created us to be. How  we can dust off and display our true design. There are many quote-worthy passages, but here is one that most recently stuck out to me.

Freeman discusses her youthful success in writing  and touches on something I think is relevant to many of today’s wandering artists. She writes:

“After receiving such encouraging feedback from eighth grade all the way into college on my writing, I did the most natural thing a young writer would do.

I chose to major in piano. But since I didn’t love piano enough to get better, I did the next natural thing a young writer would do. I dropped my piano major and began to study sign language interpreting. Naturally.

Actually, it makes more sense than you think.

The natural thing to do when hints of your own design scare you is to run. Can you remember when you first ran away from this kind of desire, the kind carrying hints of your design?

This is what we do when we have forgotten who we are. We are desperately afraid of both our capacity for destruction as well as for beauty. We are terrified of our sin-burden as well as our image-bearing identity. We are suspicious of desire and don’t trust our own ability to sort out first and second things.”

book cover
from: Freeman, Emily P. Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live.
So let’s go on this adventure and discover the art we were made to live. Let’s surrender to His design.


God of mercy sweet love of mine

I have surrendered to Your design

(Jenny’s blog has moved to wHereLifeIsReal)



Your love is like radiant diamonds
Bursting inside us we cannot contain
Your love will surely come find us
Like blazing wild fires singing Your name


God of mercy sweet love of mine
I have surrendered to Your design
May this offering stretch across the skies
And these Halleluiahs be multiplied


Your love is like radiant diamonds
Bursting inside us we cannot contain
Your love will surely come find us
Like blazing wild fires singing Your name


God of mercy sweet love of mine

I have surrendered to Your design
May this offering stretch across the skies
And these Halleluiahs be multiplied

songs by Need to Breathe
Emily Freeman blogs here.

Greatest Comforts

The 52 List #2: Your Greatest Comforts

  1. hugs
  2. kind words
  3. my husband’s arm around my waist
  4. quiet
  5. a good book
  6. rainy days
  7. hot chocolate
  8. the combination of 4, 5, 6, and 7
  9. sleeping in
  10. the Bible
  11. my husband
  12. friends
  13. snacks
  14. cotton fields
  15. camouflage
  16. smell of diesel (childhood memory)
  17. pen and paper
  18. my mom
  19. family
  20. family dinner
  21. hugs from my kids
  22. hearing my kids say “I love you.”
  23. pictures drawn by my little girl
  24. free time
  25. alone time
  26. good music
  27. “The Lake Isle of Innesfree”
  28. home
  29. a long, hot bath
  30. my mom’s cooking
  31. being outside
  32. butter cups (flower)
  33. studying
  34. learning
  35. talking
  36. dreaming of the future
  37. antiquing
  38. the shade of a tree
  39. my grandmama’s chocolate pie
  40. fishing with granddaddy
  41. memories
  42. hope
  43. creating
  44. planning
  45. freedom
  46. my dad
  47. my own bathroom
  48. my own bed
  49. Tennessee
  50. reading
  51. listening
  52. hoping